1. Listen. I need to learn better how to shut up, look into people’s eyes, listen to their words and heart, and seek to understand.
2. Learn. I’ve been on this earth for more decades than I care to admit. Long enough to recognize that in the vast sea of knowledge, I’ve only gathered a few drops, and the best way to grow is to keep learning. I can’t know everything, but I can’t afford to become calcified, and lose child-like curiosity.
3. Love. Life is all about serving others. Even if I’ll never (naturally) be a touchy-feely kinda guy, I’ll always be surrounded by people who need kindness and help. No matter how introverted I might feel, others are more important. Reach out!
4. Strive. I guess I’ll never be satisfied - always wanting to improve things. It’s a blessing and a curse. Until my dying day, I hope I’m encouraging myself and others to push forward. No status quo! - passivity doesn’t produce much fruit.
5. Surrender. The other side of “striving.” God’s will supersedes mine; reality and circumstances aren’t always open to change, and people are people. Deal with it, Woodruff. Accept reality. Embrace and enjoy the fact that you’re not in control.
6. Share. Don’t keep it locked up. Time, talent, money, ideas, acts and words of kindness - it’s all a stewardship, to share with others. The upside benefits to all far outweigh the downside risks to me.
(these last three have to do with my particular professional and personal focus)
7. Consult. Think with people. Analyze problems. Come up with ideas. It’s a unique gift and calling - put it to use!
8. Connect. Most needs will be met by other people. Find as many ways as possible to help people with needs find people with solutions. More and more, become a hub for others.
9. Create. What could be? What should be? See what isn’t - dare to think it, and design it, and push for it. Leave something unique behind that makes life better.
It's time for another GIVEAWAY!
I love that I get to do this... I love that I get a chance to make people
happy with some easy to win contests that will allow them to share a meal
with a ...
1 comment:
Very insightful. We all need to adopt many of these "words" into our day...
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